Dog Training - Everything You Need to Know!

 However, you might be surprised to understand that dogs also have short retention memories. If you may tell your pet something, it is probable that by 24 hours later or several hours later, they will have forgotten. On another had (or paw) dogs do have incredibly good associated memory. This basically means that when your pet can associated something with everything you tell it then it will probably remember everything you told it for decades to come.

Like in the event that you told your pet (assuming you may speak doggy language) that the chocolate biscuits were in the cupboard your pet could possibly forget this inside a few hours. However, in the event that you showed your pet where in fact the chocolate biscuits were, repeating the words 'chocolate biscuits', each time you said 'chocolate biscuits' it could possibly go straight to the cupboard.animalslist It may also search the cupboard every few hours for the rest of its life trying to find the chocolate biscuits but that's not the point.

Therefore, when training your pet you'll need to associate the training topic with something. Like: if you're teaching your pet to sit. If you associate the phrase 'sit' by getting your pet to physically sit and then providing them with a reward. Continue this several times and soon your pet will associate your command 'sit' with it physically sitting and then obtaining a reward. The difficult bit is disassociating the reward - consider why almost every dog will naturally sit if you have food in your hand?

Despite comments above, we cannot speak doggy language and dogs cannot speak our language. That is important when it comes to training.animals You have to choose words for commands that both you and your pet will remember. Be cautious not to choose very common words or else your pet is going to be easily confused when this word keeps appearing within the center of a sentence. A common word often found in training dogs is 'come' ;.Because of this example, it could be better to employ a slang version or combine 'come here' in to a single short word.

The important thing is that whenever you decide on a word for a command to stick to it and be consistent, otherwise your pet will end up confused.

I know it may be difficult, especially if you come home to your brand-new TV pulled off the cabinet, to always use pre-selected words when talking to your dog. Your pet doesn't speak human language and will simply understand what those few words you've trained it with are (and the tone you've used). When you begin using other words or different tones your pet won't understand.

When I talk about "Traditional" training techniques, I'm referring to some basic techniques that are very important in training your dog.

- The very first and most importance is patience. You need to be patient together with your dog when teaching him new things. Much like people, different dogs learn at different rates of speed. If your pet isn't catching onto a brand new command, be patient! Do not yell or bully your dog. animals list Sometimes it's better to prevent training and begin again another day.

- Voice inflection is another very important section of training your dog. I refer to this as speaking in a "Happy Voice" to reward your pet when he responds to your command correctly. What this means is talking is a slightly higher pitched tone and slightly louder/excited manner than you would normal speak.

- Using dog treats is another common or traditional means of training your dog. Although treats are useful in the first training of a command, you don't want to have to hold a wallet full of treats with you constantly in order for your pet to obey your commands. You will need to gradually eliminate the treats once your pet has mastered a brand new command and change it with a "Good Boy" and energetic petting.
